ECS \ ECR AWS Private Link

To prevent the use of internet \ NAT gateway to access these AWS internet facing services, the corresponding VPC endpoints can be created so that the traffic goes through AWS internal network only (Private Link)

  1. Gateway VPC Endpoint for S3 (com.amazonaws.*region*.s3)
  2. Interface VPC Endpoint for CloudWatch (com.amazonaws.*region*.logs)
  3. Interface VPC Endpoint for ECR Docker (com.amazonaws.*region*.ecr.dkr)
  4. Interface VPC Endpoint for ECR API (com.amazonaws.*region*.ecr.api)

Interface VPC Endpoint (Docker & API) for CloudWatch and ECR may not be necessary as the cost for maintaining a VPC endpoint may outweigh the actual traffic for those services (through internet gateway + NAT Gateway).

Gateway VPC Endpoint for S3 is free of charge

Consider that a single Interface VPC Endpoint will require a fixed cost of $9.36/month to run – before taking into account any additional cost for data being processed.

Example Scenario where 1 GB of logs being uploaded to CloudWatch every month

NAT Gateway data processing charge = 1GB * $0.059 = $ 0.059 / month

Data Transfer Charge = 0 (No charge for the data transfer from the EC2 instance to S3/CloudWatch as it is Data Transfer Out to Amazon EC2 to S3 in the same region.

If there is cross-AZ traffic 1 GB * 0.01 = $ 0.01 / month